Friday, 28 February 2014

18 Agonizing Moments Of Having A Crush

No, they still don’t like you back.

When you go a few days without talking to them because they didn't text you first and you didn't want to initiate the conversation

When you go a few days without talking to them because they didn't text you first and you didn't want to initiate the conversation


When you actually do text them to start a conversation and they take hours to respond

When you actually do text them to start a conversation and they take hours to respond

20th Century Fox / Via

And when they finally do respond they give one word answers

And when they finally do respond they give one word answers

Columbia Pictures / Via

When you're just dying for them to give you a damn compliment

When you're just dying for them to give you a damn compliment

Lighthouse Entertainment / Via

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The post 18 Agonizing Moments Of Having A Crush appeared first on iPhone 6.

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