Tuesday, 25 February 2014

20 Worst Things You Can Do While Nursing A Broken Heart

Sure, I’m moving on. Moving on a path to SELF-DESTRUCTION. Pass the whisky.

Simplify your meals.

Simplify your meals.

André Karwath / Monica Tan / Via en.wikipedia.org

Begin that new full-time job of endlessly hitting refresh on your ex-lover's Facebook page.

Begin that new full-time job of endlessly hitting refresh on your ex-lover's Facebook page.

And do it with far more dedication than your actual job, which you're no longer turning up to.

Variations include: Stalk everyone who posts on your ex-lover's feeds, deeply regret your hasty deletion of ex-lover from your social networks, then use Google or a mutual friend's laptop to stalk them and interpret any time they “like” something on your feed as a sign they want to get back together.

Via bitchbuzz.com

Replay on infinite loop the songs you and your lover used to listen to together.

Boombox and Peter Gabriel come optional.

Discover a new affinity with your bed.

Discover a new affinity with your bed.

Because only happy, coupled off people deserve to stand up.


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The post 20 Worst Things You Can Do While Nursing A Broken Heart appeared first on iPhone 6.

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